It is the unswerving intention of the Hungarian Institute for Forensic Sciences (hereinafter referred to as HIFS) to provide forensic services and all associated tasks as its core function, and public duty, working in accordance with best professional practice, by applying, as much as possible, the most up-to-date, scientifically justified methods to meet the needs and expectations of its clients.

It operates its quality  management system designed specifically for that purpose in compliance with the MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 and the MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 standard observing the requirements of the Council conclusions on the vision for European Forensic Science 2020 including the creation of a European Forensic Science Area and the development of forensic science infrastructure in Europe (EFSA 2020) and the professional standards established by the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) in relation to forensic work, and heeding the quality policy principles of this specialised institute.

The management of HIFS ensures the resources required to operate, and continuously improve its quality management system by employing highly qualified staff, and creating the conditions of applying state-of-the-art, inspected tools, equipment, and materials. The management of the specialised institute will ensure compliance with its quality policy by following up the achievement of the quality objectives in the institutions, and departments operated by it, and the quality plans built upon these objectives.

The quality objectives of HIFS include the continuous improvement of its professional standards, the operation of its quality management system, and the provision of the required hardware, financial, and human resources, regular inspections covering its entire operation as well as the corrective actions capitalising on the experience of such inspections.

The management ensures that all staff of the organisation should familiarise with the operation of the system, and its core documentation, and should be qualified and committed to applying it, by organizing regular sessions of training and education in areas affecting the quality management system. Management monitors practical application and implementation through regular internal audits.

As an organisation operating a quality management system, HIFS also expects commitment to quality from its external partners and obtains assurance of the quality of their services employing its own methods.

The institution is a budgetary institution independent from all manufacturers and sellers.  Remuneration of its staff shall depend neither on the number  of examinations/tests completed nor their outcome.

HIFS treats its mandators, and clients identically, but performs out of turn examinations required for crime cases centrally qualified as high priority.

HIFS management shall direct the activity of experts, and examination staff ensuring that the quality of work, the outcome of examinations, and the formation of expert opinions should be  influenced by neither external nor internal interests, or inappropriate effects, thereby precluding any doubt regarding the impartiality, objectivity and independence of the institutions’ professional services.

HIFS management is committed to protecting the health of its staff, and shall therefore comply, and ensure compliance with regulations of occupational health and safety. It protects the health of its employees through the use of safety equipment, and protective gear.

Budapest, 2 March 2021

Márton Lontai
director general


Currently 248 methods of our forensic laboratories have been accreditated under General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories ISO/IEC 17025:2018.

  Hungarian National Accreditation Authority »visit website


Face Recognition Analysis Department has introduced and applied Quality Management System which satisfies the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard.